Sexual Abuse Expert Witness Or Sexologist?

Former University of Minnesota football player Dominic Jones, 21, is accused of third-degree criminal sexual conduct. His defense attorney is asking for a “sexologist” as a witness and for the state to pay the bill for the expert’s testimony. The St. Paul lawyer Earl Gray lost the battle to keep the jury from seeing a cell phone video and photos, taken by a witness to the alleged assault which purportedly show Jones ejaculating on the woman. Gray hopes to convince jurors that some people view that as playful and not sexual abuse. Jones was charged after an 18-year-old woman said he and three other players got her drunk on vodka and then took turns having sex with her. writes:

Gray said in court papers his expert witness will testify that while some people view ejaculation as an act of hostility or aggression, others see it as “a symbol of closeness, sexual bonding or sexual competence.”

Sorry counselor, but from my perspective as a woman, a sexual abuse expert witness and not a “sexologist” is called for.