Security Expert Witness On Avoiding Security Litigation Part 4

In Security Experts: Litigation and Beyond, security expert witness Robert A. Gardner, CPP, writes:

Q. Is my security expert qualified?

A. The security profession is a collection of specialties. While there are basic concepts common to all, each specialty requires its own unique blend of training and experience. Unfortunately many so-called “security experts” claim almost universal expertise and often make claims that their documented training and experience can’t support. Look for the following in a qualified security expert:

• Professionalism – Membership in associations such as ASIS International and the International Association of Professional Security Consultants is an indicator of professionalism. Certifications such as the Certified Protection Professional (CPP) or Physical Security Professional (PSP) designation are also indicators; as are professional licenses, provided that they relate directly to your issue.

• Issue Specific Training and Experience – Regardless of their academic education, a qualified security expert must have advanced technical training and extensive hands –on work experience dealing with your specific security issue. Avoid the common mistake of automatically equating law enforcement experience with security expertise. Unless assigned to a special security function, most law enforcement personnel have little or no qualifying training or experience in the security disciplines.

• Communication Skills – Knowledge is useless if the “expert can’t convey it clearly and intelligently both verbally and in writing.