Carson Nash Funding, Inc. & Expert Witness Fees

In Expert Witness Fees Deferred Until Settlement of Case, Carson Nash Funding, Inc. explains how their company provides funding to expert witnesses that allows trial lawyers the ability to defer payment of expert witness expenses until their cases settle.

Expert witness expenses are one of the largest and most significant expenditures a trial attorney has to make. All case expenses are paid up front as the case progresses and trial lawyers are not compensated until the case settles.

Expert witness fees plus additional case expenses and practice overhead expenses create restricted budgets for trial lawyers and may limit their ability to accept new cases to expand their practice.

We provide funding to expert witnesses that allows trial lawyers the ability to defer payment of expert witness expenses until their cases settle. No up front costs or monthly payments are required.

Attorney Benefits
Pay expert witness fees when case settles
No high interest rate lines of credit
No collateralized debt using contingent cases
Contingent cases are not encumbered
No monthly principal or interest payments
Engage more expert witnesses for cases
Access to experienced. seasoned experts
Preserve operating capital to take on more cases
Increase marketing for new clients

Expert Witness Benefits
Offer attorneys deferred payment of fees
Increase client base
Increase case load
Increase revenue
Maximize profits
Increase market share
Maximize billable time

Carson Nash Funding has over 24 years of experience in providing an alternative funding source for individuals and companies receiving deferred payments which are not serviced by traditional financial institutions. Read more: