Forensic and Laboratory Expert Witnesses On Suing Expert Witnesses

The Forensic Expert Witness Association has filed an amicus brief with the California Supreme Court supporting a petition for review of the Lambert v. Carneghi decision (Case No. S 160995), which could allow litigants to sue their expert witnesses if the testimony is not favorable to the client. writes:

FEWA believes the decision may undermine an expert’s ability to be impartial and may create a bias against providing honest and forthright opinions in a court of law.

“The appellate court decision places experts giving testimony in California in an untenable position by forcing them to act as advocates for their client’s litigation arguments rather than serving their intended role of providing unbiased testimony,” said Lyle E. Coe, FEWA president. “It also would create extraordinary pressure on experts to slant or shade testimony, perhaps to the point of exaggerating or distorting the expert’s true opinions.”