In Personal Emergency Preparedness: How Prepared Are You? banking expert witness Catherine Ghiglieri writes that since 9/11 the banking industry has focused on emergency preparedness in dealing with potential terrorist threats or natural disasters. Very few have stopped to consider their personal emergency preparedness. Ghiglieri suggests putting:
All important documents or copies of them, in a binder that can be easily taken out of the home in case of a quick evacuation. Our binders are bright red, clearly marked with “Emergency Binder,” and are placed in an easily accessible location, such as a bookcase or closet near the door. In the event of an impending hurricane, these binders can easily be placed in a large zip-lock bag to assure water-tightness if an evacuation is mandated or the roof leaks. A selection of baby and marriage pictures or anything else that is precious should also be assembled and located with the emergency binders.
More to come from Catherine Ghiglieri, former Texas Banking Commissioner and President of Ghiglieri & Company, a bank consulting firm