
Medical Malpractice Expert Witness Report Part 4

In How to Write a Medical Malpractice Expert Witness Report, attorney Vivian Pearson explains:

Your medical malpractice expert witness report should be targeted to your attorney’s specifications. Before you begin to prepare your report, know what he or she is expecting in terms or length, formatting, font, and amount of details to include. To ensure that you meet your attorney’s guidelines and ensure you are paid on time, give your attorney a draft of the report to review before you put it in final form.
7. Disclose your fees. In some jurisdictions, you may be asked to disclose pay or other compensation you received in exchange for your report.

8. Sign and date the report. You will need to sign your name and certify that all of the information listed in your medical malpractice expert witness report is accurate to the best of your knowledge. You may be required to execute your signature in the presence of a notary public.

Read more: How to Write a Medical Malpractice Expert Witness Report |

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