
Marketing Strategy Expert Witnesses Part 4

Marketing strategy expert witnesses may opine on market analysis, market barriers, market research, and market share. Here, marketing strategy experts at the American Marketing Association (AMA) and ReadyTalk offer Web Event Best Practices: Promotion:

Best Practice #3: Create a Compelling Title and Abstract

Take the time to craft an event title and abstract that will spark interest among the target audience. Use a “hook” such as a catchy event title if appropriate for your target audience. Keep the event abstract brief, punchy, and easy to read. Use bullet points where possible. Highlight the expertise of your speaker(s). Clearly communicate who the event is targeted at, what they will learn if they attend, and why they can’t afford to miss the event. As a rule of thumb, target no more than 15 words for the title and 150-200 words for the abstract.

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