
Marketing Expert Witnesses Part 2

Marketing expert witnesses may opine on marketing effectiveness, marketing research, marketing strategy, and more. At Expert, Rosalie Hamilton provides methods for experts to find prospect attorneys, companies and insurers that need their expert consultant services. Here, an expert witness contributes to

My retainer agreement not only lists the fees and scope of my work, but I also have a clause (in bold) that expressly forbids the attorney from disclosing me as an expert witness if the attorney has not retained me. This happened many times in my early career, and that is why I put it into my retainer agreement. The clause also states I will take action against the attorney if I am listed without being retained. This clause has stopped attorneys from listing me as expert without retaining me. In addition, I have proof that I sent them the retainer agreement, thus I know my clause has been read. [editor’s note: see other experts’ experiences on being designated without permission in this past discussion.]

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