
Marketing Expert Witnesses & Initial Inquiry Call Part 1

Marketing expert witnesses may opine on marketing effectiveness, marketing research, marketing strategy, and more. At Expert, Rosalie Hamilton provides methods for experts to find prospect attorneys, companies and insurers that need their expert consultant services. writes:

Following Rosalie’s June newsletter article, “How Much to Say in the Initial Inquiry Call,” several experts sent me their own “initial call” procedures. Here is one so clear and comprehensive, I wanted to share it:

When a new attorney calls me and tells me general information about a case he has, I listen politely, I take notes to protect myself, and then I offer to send the attorney a copy of my CV, my Rule 26 disclosure, and a standard copy of my retainer agreement. Since the attorney calling always wants to know what my rates are, I simply tell them I will forward the retainer agreement, and all costs are fully disclosed. I then email all the documents to the “new” attorney.

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