
Insurance Experts On Teen Motor Vehicle Crashes Part 2

According to the Center for Injury Prevention and Control, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among U.S. teens, accounting for more than one in three deaths in this age group. Most teen accidents can be easily avoided. Insurance experts at CURE Auto Insurance provides the following list of tips for teens and parents to ensure teens stay safe behind the wheel.

3. Don’t drink and drive. Although this seems obvious, according to the NHTSA, teens are at far greater risk of death in an alcohol-related crash than the overall population, despite the fact that they are below the minimum drinking age in every state. Do not get behind the wheel of a vehicle if you have been drinking or get in the car with someone that you suspect has been drinking. This split second decision has changed the lives of millions of teens.

4. Wear your seatbelt. Despite being the most at risk group for accidents, teens also have lower seatbelt use rates than adults. Take charge by letting your friends know when they get into your car you won’t drive until everyone has a seatbelt fastened.

5. Familiarize yourself with your car. Learn how to properly maintain your car, and know how to check and add oil and windshield washer fluid. Be aware of indicator lights on your vehicle and what they mean. In addition, add the number for AAA or a local dispatch number to your cell phone in case of emergencies.

Parents are instrumental in the development of safe teen drivers. The best drivers come from the combined efforts of teens and their parents. Therefore, it is crucial that every parent talks to their teen about safe driving. To help in this process, CURE Auto Insurance also provides tips for parents that have teen drivers.

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