
Insurance Adjusters Expert Witnesses

Insurance adjusters expert witnesses may may advise on issues involving insurance claims, , insurance agencies, and associated topics. In Adjusters’ Pet Peeves, Charles Hunter Mcree, claims expert and risk management executive, writes: Knowing adjuster pet peeves and their hot buttons can help those who work with adjusters to foster better relationships. This includes the gamut of vendors and business partners such as defense lawyers, rehab specialists, surveillance firms, and expert witnesses…. So what sets an adjuster’s teeth on edge? Let’s explore an informal and highly subjective list I have composed:

1. Cheapskate insurance buyers. Some policyholders make insurance-buying decisions based on “the cheapest quote,” and then feign surprise when they don’t get platinum claim service. Usually things are cheaper for a reason. If you check into a Motel 6 and pay a bargain basement price, then please do not whine because the hotel lacks concierge service and a mint on the pillow. When shopping for insurance, many accounts are “all about price.” When they have a claim, it is all about service. Sorry, but those two usually go hand-in-hand – in both claims adjusting and in other realms.

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