
Industrial Psychology Expert Witnesses

Dr. Robyn Porterfield and her partner industrial psychology expert witness Dr. Bob Rose write about the benefits of knowing about the services of Industrial Psychologists.

Judging from the scarcity of Industrial Psychologists (often called IO Psychologists) on legal websites many practitioners may know little, if anything about what they do. IO’s are a specialized group of professionals who have PhDs in Psychology and focus on behavior in the workplace and can speak to issues such as safety, discrimination, harassment, hiring and termination. While these areas require some specialized knowledge beyond the scope of IO training they also have associated psychological factors. For example, a safety program may not be effective if not communicated in a way people can understand and remember. Discrimination in hiring often involves understanding psychometric issues such as validity, an area where Industrial Psychologists have considerable training and understanding of practical applications. Industrial Psychologists whose consultation to business is their sole or major endeavor know the difference in ivory tower theory and real-world applications.

Read more: Rose Porterfield Group Inc

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