
Media Analysis Expert Witnesses

Media analysis expert witnesses may write reports and testify on mass media and related topics. In What the #$%& is Social Marketing?!! Media Communications Association- International member Susan Solomon writes:

Relationships begin with conversations. With the advent of social marketing, technology has shifted the power away from editors, publishers and the establishment to the people.

According to a recent Edelman Trust Barometer survey, people are saying, “I can no longer rely on a single source of information. The omniscient, all-powerful, single source – whether it’s a news anchor, doctor, CEO or government is gone.” One of the most trusted sources of information is word of mouth, from friends and family. When you develop a social marketing strategy for your product or service, think of it as a conversation – not a campaign. This second of our 2-part series will cover the broad functions of MySpace, Twitter and You Tube, within the social marketing landscape.

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