
Hospitality Expert Witness On ADR Part 4

In Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Hospitality Industry hospitality expert witness Maurice Robinson writes on ADR neutrality and experience.

Regardless of the provider, it is critical to the resolution of the disputes that the “neutrals”, those individuals empowered to resolve the disputes, possess both impartiality and industry experience. The clear advantage of using members of ISHC’s ADR Panel is to bring not only neutrality and independence to the process, but to ensure that industry experience and understanding is applied when reviewing facts, analysis and testimony,
and in arriving at findings and conclusions, solutions and awards. ISHC members are professionals who abide by strict professional standards of independence that have been well established and recognized by the hospitality industry for many years. It is thus their independence, industry knowledge and professional expertise that is brought to the ADR process and makes an ISHC solution to ADR so desirable.

One of the primary advantages of the ISHC is that its members bring vast experience covering all areas of the hospitality sector, ranging from the technical (architecture,
engineering, construction, appraisal, and real estate development) to marketing,
operational, financial and economic areas, to the strategic, organizational, people,
process, technology, capital and real estate property markets. The ISHC is the single most comprehensive organization to find experts to resolve disputes in the many disciplines of the hospitality industry.

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