
Expert Witness Marketing Myth #1 – Marketing is Unnecessary

This first myth is only true if you, as an expert witness, do not want to get retained. Out of sight is out of mind and, for the expert witness, out of work. Being an expert witness necessarily means that you market yourself. When the attorney hires an expert, he or she is doing so on a promise. The attorney cannot see a potentially effective trial presentation. The attorney searches for what he can see now. That attorney wants to know if you are available, and seeks information about your qualifications, experience, and abilities. Thus, expert witness marketing is everything a professional does on a regular basis in the process to educate and demonstrate to the legal community why that expert should be retained. The key words are everything and regular.

Two very good reasons why you should market your services:

1) Legal professionals cannot hire you if they don’t know about you.
2) Your competitors are marketing.

If you still are not sure that you should get your qualifications known to legal professionals through marketing, consider this: there are six peaks in Europe taller than the Matterhorn.

Name one.

Bottom line: It pays to get known.

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