
Evaluating The School Safety Expert Witness Part 7

In Evaluting An Expert Witness For School Safety Cases, school safety expert witness Michael Dorn writes:

Questions to Ask a Potential Expert Witness for School Safety Cases

…Attorneys, judges and insurance professionals are typically already familiar with general questions that should be asked of an expert. Some specific questions that might help more accurately gauge an expert’s suitability for a school safety case before the expert is retained and sent documents to review include:

“The key issues so far are (insert the issues that need to be evaluated). Do you feel you are qualified to serve as an expert witness for these issues?” If the answer is yes, ask the prospective expert witness to elaborate on the relevant experience.

“How many times have you served as an expert witness consultant in school safety cases?”

“Have you served as an expert for both the plaintiff and the defense?”

“Have you ever been disqualified as an expert? If so, why?”

“Have you ever withdrawn from a case or been withdrawn from a case by an attorney? If so, why?”

“Has an attorney ever terminated your services before a case was concluded? If so, why?”

“Have you ever been arrested or indicted? If so, what were the charges, in what court were they brought, and what were the dispositions of the case(s)?”

“Have you ever been terminated from a job or asked to resign? If so, please explain the circumstances.”

“Have you ever had any certifications or professional licenses revoked or suspended? If so, what license or certification and for what reason?”

“Have you or your firm ever been a party to a civil action including mediation or arbitration arising out of working as a consultant? If so, please explain.”

“Have you or your firm ever filed an open records request with a school district, regulatory agency or government agency? If so, please explain when, why and how many times you or your firm did so.”

“Have you or your firm ever filed a formal protest when you or your firm were not awarded a bid for a school safety project? If so, please explain when, why and how many times you or your firm did so.”

“Have you ever had a client terminate or attempt to terminate a contract for professional services such as consulting, training, and assessment? If so, please explain when, why and how many times this has occurred.”

“If asked to do so, could you provide college transcripts and copies of training certificates for the education and training you list in your materials?”

Mr. Dorn is Executive Director of Safe Havens International, a non-profit school safety center.

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