
Enterprise Risk Managment Expert Witnesses

Enterprise risk management expert witnesses may write reports and testify on enterprise risk management, financial risk management, and disaster risk management, as well as related issues. In Risk Management – 8 steps To Avoid Litigation, Mridu Bhattacharya, Jr. Project Manager in Online Promotions at SynapseIndia, writes that “Accidents, mistakes and misunderstandings can happen in any business. Some are settled amicably, others grow into full-blown disputes, and before you know it you could be facing a legal claim.”

Eight steps to safeguard your business #3 Checking work.
Freelancers are not required to be perfect. However, this does not relieve them from the obligation to check their work because this is one of the standard systems used to discover and correct errors. Errors, per se, are not evidence of malpractice, but failure to check the work product is.

#4 Communications with the client.
Many of the claims made by clients are not for serious damages but are based simply on discontent and dissatisfaction with the Freelancer. This is often brought on by the Freelancers own lack of consideration of the client. Seemingly minor things such as missing deadlines, lateness to meetings, unavailability by telephone, failure to return emails, and failure to keep the client informed at all times. With this background of discontent, a real problem such as exceeding the cost or time budgets will trigger an avalanche of serious legal problems. The best way to keep clients happy is to treat them with respect, keep them informed, and maintain a friendly relationship.


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