
Construction Site Expert Witness On When To Hire An Expert Part 2

In Are You Waiting Too Long To Hire An Expert?, construction site expert witness William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company, writes:

What an expert does not know can and likely will hurt your case. It is widely accepted knowledge that a good lawyer never asks a question to which they don’t already know the answer; so it is with an expert. By withholding facts or materials that you think are not relevant or may not enhance your case, you run the risk of allowing your expert to be ambushed, surprised and/or embarrassed. Expert witness testimony is invaluable and can be summed up in one word — credibility. You are better served by providing the expert everything.

The experienced and ethical expert is not interested in running up unnecessary bills to the client. They are concerned about having all the information, being kept informed about developments, and having access to the attorney or attorneys on the case. An open line of communication builds confidence for both the expert and the client and enables your expert to reach out to you with new ideas, discoveries and materials that provide for the best possible performance at depositions and trial. New technologies such as online meetings improve collaboration and reduce cost for travel.

William Gulya, Jr., President & CEO, Middlesex Trenching Company for more than 35 years, specializes in excavation & construction site preparation – earthwork and grading, water mains, sewer installation, trenching, containment, underground utilities, dike repair, heavy equipment rentals.

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