
Child Sex Abuse Expert Witness Speaks On AP Investigation

Kansas State University Professor and expert witness Bob Shoop has been writing about teacher sex abuse cases since 1984. The child sex abuse expert witness says that “consistently most studies have indicated that between 5 and 10 percent of the students in a high-school setting have had an inappropriate relationship with an adult.” An AP investigation has found that more than 2,500 educators have been accused of misconduct and victims were 80% students.

Jeff Kuhner, communications director for the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, said there are many reasons why most of the abuse goes unreported, but underneath is a bureaucracy looking out for its own. “You have public school unions who are very deeply entrenched, who are more interested in protecting the interests of their members and teachers than they are in serving students,” he said.

Roy Einreinhofer, spokesman for The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification, operates a voluntary database to track offenders and says the list is long. “The clearinghouse contains around 37,000 names,” he said, “and that increases at a rate of about 2,500 or so a year.”

As reported in

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