
Trucking Expert On EPA & Trucking Economy

Deborah Lockridge, trucking expert and author of the Heavy Duty Trucking newletter writes this on the EPA and the trucking economy:

As three senators continue work on a bipartisan climate change bill, two trucking groups say future regulation of truck fuel economy should stay where it is, under the Department of Transportation, and not get shifted to the EPA…

The concern is that the new bill will include the same obscure provision regarding heavy-duty truck fuel economy provisions as another bill, S. 1733, the “Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act.” If enacted, these provisions would strip the Department of Transportation of its ability to set fuel economy standards for medium- and heavy-duty trucks and transfer that authority to the Environmental Protection Agency. The bill was reported out of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on November 5, 2009, and a similar bill containing truck fuel economy provisions passed the House of Representatives on June 26, 2009.

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