Aviation Expert Witness On Pilot Medical History Part 2

On his website, aviation expert witness John Ogle, MD, MPH, FACEP, lists FAA medical questions regarding a pilot applicant’s medical history and information on how the FAA considers any problems with respect to flight safety. Here are13-24:

Medical History 13. Mental disorders of any sort; depression, anxiety, etc. (More…)
14. Substance dependence; or failed a drug test ever; or substance abuse or use of illegal substance in the last 2 years (More…)
15. Alcohol dependence or abuse (More…)
16. Suicide attempt (More…)
17. Motion sickness requiring medication (More…)
18. Military medical discharge (More…)
19. Medical rejection by military service (More…)
20. Rejection for life or health insurance (More…)
21. Admission to hospital (More…)
22. Conviction and/or Administrative Action History (More…)
23. History of nontraffic convictions (More…)
24. Other illness, disability, or surgery (More…)